Friday, June 13, 2008

HTTP/Socket 1

I finally posted updated source code for the HTTP and socket projects (particularly the web crawler). The code is pretty solid, i think there is a good amount of error handling... but i could be wrong and would appreciated being to sold (and why). It's late so I'm not going to describe what is going on in the code, just take a look for your self. I will, however, describe what it does/can do. It can send GET and POST requests to servers. In addition requests can be encrypted via ssl (i used openSSl so props to them). This means that you can GET and POST from servers using "HTTPS". One should also notice how easy it is to send requests. you pretty much need to define a URL as a string and then send it and you get the response back. Lastly i compiled this on DEV C++ and had to find a special DEV C++ package to get the ssl code to work. you can either head on over to the openSSL site and figure out what you need to do to make it work (it is document pretty well) or search around for the package, try this site.

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